Archive | October 2013

Turned upside down

My world is spinning all around,not sure of where I might land at all. One second everything is going great,then the next second,It’s falling apart. I’m 34 years old and it doesn’t seem that my life is going in the right direction. I know what I wanna do and I know what I need to do,but getting there is the hard part. I wanna dance professional,I know I’m great at it and I’m a fast learner. Just getting it started is the problem,not knowing where to go,who to ask and getting the help I need. As you all can see my world is upside down. I wanna go to Los Angeles California to the best schools around for extra help and teachinga.


I have feelings for a super famous british actor named Robert Pattinson. He changed my world when I watched the Twilight and I felt a instant connection to him. I’m 34 years old and I can’t stop dreaming and fantasing about the two of us together. I know that will never happen because I’m just a plain woman who is rich and famous.